Avesta Housing recently received several grants to help us provide our residents with safe, quality, affordable housing and services. We are deeply thankful for their support.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation: $30,000 to support the Avesta HomeOwnership Center’s (HOC) homebuyer education classes and financial stability counseling.
TD Charitable Foundation: $20,000 to support Avesta’s Homeless to Housing program, which provides recently unhoused Avesta residents who were chronically homeless with the services of a housing support worker in partnership with Maine Behavioral Healthcare. (Click here to read more about this program.)
Eunice Frye Home Foundation: $10,000 for a new hydro-therapy tub for residents at Inn at Village Square (IVS) and $8,000 for reconstruction of raised garden beds for residents at 75 State Street.
Unity Foundation: $15,000 for the services of a fundraising consultant to help Avesta improve and expand upon our fundraising activities.
Virginia Hodgkins Somers Foundation: $15,000 for an Intergenerational Connections project for older adult residents at Young Street Apartments and K-5 students at Central School in South Berwick. The storytelling project involves older residents sharing stories from their lives with students, who will then create art, turning the stories into illustrated books.
1772 Foundation: $8,000 for masonry repair at Munjoy Commons (see photo above), an historic building that housed Emerson School from the 1890s to the 1970s. Grey Goose Masonry conducted the work, which included brick repointing and repairing window leaks.